QL dithvide

Some very first photos of dithvide images shown on my QL (August 2006). Sorry for the poor quality, it was captured via mobilephone (S75) at very bad light conditions. Images were dithered in Photoshop and then converted to QL via ImageJ.

Photo Gallery: QL dithvide



Source images dithered

These images are dithered in Photoshop with custom hi-color QL palatte. Some images has _extension. _l - low res hi-color, _h - high res hi-color and _m - mixed hi-color.

Photo Gallery: QL dithvide (dithered originals)



Topic: QL dithvide

Date: 16/06/2008

By: Dilwyn Jones

Subject: DithVide

Do you have plans to release this work - the screens look so good despite your comment about poor quality mobile phone pictures.


Date: 22/06/2008

By: Omega

Subject: Re: DithVide

It's now released.
